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The mission of the LNW Performing Arts Boosters is to inspire and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various phases of the Performing Arts of Lincoln Northwest High School; to work with those in charge of the Performing Arts of Lincoln Northwest High School and Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) and to lend all possible support - moral, physical, and financial - to the Performing Arts Program of Lincoln Northwest High School; to build and maintain an organization which will help promote the activities of the Performing Arts of Lincoln Northwest High School.
President - Brian Rowland
Vice President - Jill Paffrath
Secretary - Christy Coughlin
Treasurer - Melissa Escamilla
Treasurer - Charles Hamilton
Public Relations Chair - Darby Vannier
Choir Representative - Tiffany Gibson
Band Representative - Melinda Petersen
Orchestra Representative - Emily Stander
Theater Representative - Rachel Ramirez